No. | Author(s) | Title | Submission | Published in | |
036 | Robert Orlowski , Regina T. Riphahn |
Seniority in Germany: New Evidence on Returns to Tenure for Male Full-time workers | December | Journal for Labour Market Research 41(2/3) | |
035 | Andreas Haufler, Christian Schulte |
Merger Policy and Tax Competition | November | International Tax and Public Finance 18(2) | |
034 | Fritzi Koehler-Geib | The Uncertainty Channel of Contagion | November | ||
033 | Wolfgang Kornprobst | Horizontale und vertikale Innovationen in einem semi-endogenen Wachstumsmodell mit Kapitalakkumulation | November | ||
032 | Ferdinand Mittermaier | Subsidy Competition and the Role of Firm Ownership | September | Finanzarchiv 65(3) | |
031 | Juergen Antony | A Dual Elasticity of Substitution Production Function with an Application to Cross Country Inequality | August | Economics Letters 102(1) | |
030 | Michael Graber, Andrey Launov, Klaus Waelde |
How to get tenured | August | German Economic Review 9(4) | |
029 | Stephan Russek | „Taste heterogeneity, labor mobility and economic geography“ – A critical reconsideration and correction | August | Economics Bulletin 18(1) | |
028 | Susanne Steger, Helke Waelde |
A Reconsideration of the Stiglitz-Weiss Model with a Discrete Number of Borrower Types | August | ||
027 | Juergen Antony | Depletion of Non-Renewable Resources and Endogenous Technical Change | July | International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 2010, 2(4) | |
026 | Lilia Filipova | Monitoring and Privacy in Automobile Insurance Markets with Moral Hazard | June | ||
025 | Cord Brockmann | The ratchet Effect in a two lag setting and the mitigating Influence of Yardstick Competition | June | ||
024 | Boris Hirsch | Joan Robinson Meets Harold Hotelling: A Dyopsonistic Explanation of the Gender Pay Gap | June | Scottish Journal of Political Economy 56(5) | |
023 | Udo Schneider, Volker Ulrich |
Health Relevant Behaviour and its Impact on the Physician-Patient Relationship | February | International Journal of Health Care Financing and Economics 8(4) | |
022 | Udo Schneider | Double Moral Hazard and Outcome-based Remuneration of Physicians | February | ||
021 | Lukas Vogel, Werner Roeger, Bernhard Herz |
Optimal Simple Rules for Fiscal Policy in a Monetary Union | February | ||
020 | Bernhard Herz, Marco Wagner |
Do the World Trade Organization and the Generalized System of Preferences foster Bilateral Trade? | February | ||
019 | Christian Bauer, Bernhard Herz, Volker Karb |
Are Twin Currency and Debt Crisis Special? | February | Journal of Financial Stability 3(1) | |
018 | Fritzi Koehler-Geib | Uncertainty about the Fundamentals and the Occurrence of Sudden Stops of Capital Flows: Theory and Empirics | February | ||
017 | Juergen Antony | New Combinations on Growth | February | ||
016 | Oliver Falck, Stephan Heblich |
Dynamic Clusters | February | European Planning Studies 16 | |
015 | Lena Koller, Claus Schnabel Joachim Wagner |
Schwellenwerte im Arbeitsrecht: Höhere Transparenz und Effizienz durch Vereinheitlichung | January | Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 8(3) | |
014 | Lutz Arnold, Wolfgang Kornprobst |
Das Romer-Modell mit qualitätsverbesserndem technischem Fortschritt | January | Macroeconomic Dynamics 12 | |
013 | Hanjo M. Koehler | Yardstick Competition when Quality is Endogenous: The Case of Hospital Regulation | January | ||
012 | Hans Fehr, Christian Habermann, Fabian Kindermann |
Tax-Favored Retirement Accounts: Are they Efficient in Increasing Savings and Growth? | January | Finanz Archiv 64(2) | |
011 | Robin Kleer | The Effect of Mergers on the Incentive to Invest in Cost Reducing Innovations | January | Economics of Innovation and New Technology 21(3) | |
010 | Hans Fehr, Christian Habermann, Fabian Kindermann |
Social Security with Rational and Hyperbolic Consumers | January | Review of Economic Dynamics 11(4) |