Discussion Papers 2023

No. Author(s) Title Submission PDF Published in
229 Jennifer Feichtmayer

Regina T. Riphahn

Intergenerational Transmission of
Welfare Benefit Receipt: Evidence
from Germany
December PDF Review of Income and Wealth
228 Katrin Huber
Geske Rolvering
Public child care and mothers’ career trajectories September PDF
227 Vanessa Kunzmann Estimating Regime Dependent Fiscal Spillover Effects in a Monetary Union August PDF
226 Katharina Drescher
Benedikt Janzen
When Weather Wounds Workers: The Impact of Temperature on Workplace Accidents July PDF
225 Henning Hermes
Philipp Lergetporer
Fabian Mierisch
Frauke Peter
Simon Wiederhold
Discrimination on the Child Care Market: A Nationwide Field Experiment April PDF
224 Andreas Link Beasts of Burden, Trade, and Hierarchy: The Long Shadow of Domestication March PDF
223 Andreas Link The Fall of Constantinople and the Rise of the West March PDF
222 Christina Langer
Simon Wiederhold
The Value of Early-Career Skills February PDF