Guest Program 2016


Date Venue Topic Speaker
June 30
2:30 p.m.
University Erlangen-Nürnberg Commitment in the Household: Evidence from the Effect of Inheritances on the Labor Supply of Older Married Couples David M. Blau,
Ohio State University
June 30
2:30 p.m.
University Erlangen-Nürnberg Survey Response Behavior Reveals Cognitive Skills: Using Paradata to Reduce Omitted-variable Biases in Wage Regressions Stefanie Schurer,
University of Sidney
June 30
2:30 p.m.
University Erlangen-Nürnberg The Pros and Cons of Sick Pay Schemes: Testing for Contagious Presenteeism and Shirking Behavior Nicolas Ziebarth,
Cornell University, NY
June 8
12 p.m.
University Regensburg What Should I Be When I Grow Up? Occupations and Unemployment over the Life Cycle Martin Gervais,
University of Iowa
June 7
6:15 p.m.
University Würzburg What Should I Be When I Grow Up? Occupations and Unemployment over the Life Cycle Martin Gervais,
University of Iowa
June 1
12 p.m.
University Regensburg Organizational Learning: Experimental Evidence from Bangladeshi garment factories Andreas Menzel,
University of Warwick
May 30
4:30 p.m.
University Regensburg Preemptive Entry and Technology Difusion in the Market for Drive-in Theaters Ricard Gil,
John Hopkins University, Baltimore
May 27 Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich Adaptation and Relational Contracting in the U.S. Airline Industry Ricard Gil,
John Hopkins University, Baltimore
May 27 Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich Organizational Learning: Experimental Evidence from Bangladeshi garment factories Andreas Menzel,
University of Warwick